Certainly, the Icom 7300 delivers excellent transmit audio output with its stock microphone. K4QKY enjoys experimenting with software-based external transmit audio processing techniques as described in this article.
How it works
(1) Digital audio output from the Sennheiser Profile USB Condenser boom-mounted microphone is routed to the Windows 11 computer via type A/B USB cable.
(2) Microphone input audio is subsequently processed within the Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) Reaper which hosts various Virtual Studio Technology (VST) digital effects plugins such as EQ, Compression, and Noisegate. K4QKY uses a single mult-effects plugin TDR NOVA, a parallel dynamic equalizer. Alternatively, he sometimes uses the free-Ozone 11 mastering plugin.
(3) Processed digital transmit audio output from the computer is then routed via another type A/B USB cable directly to the Icom IC 7300 USB port cable, then converted to analog and transmitted.
(4) Received analog audio from the Icom IC 7300 is converted to digital and routed via the same USB cable back to the computer to a pair of near-field Behringer MS 40 monitor speakers.
Note: For now, setting up and adjusting this outboard audio processing scheme is beyond the scope of this webpage. Conduct a Google keyword search to learn more about each facet.